We encourage you to participate in our treasure quest, and we've provided a number of opportunities for you to do so. Just click on the appropriate link below to discuss our project with others:
Chat Rooms
Chat – Our chat rooms are always open. You can chat publicly or privately with others who are interested in our project, shipwrecks, treasure or any other related topic. As the project develops, we will provide a formal chat schedule - that we’ll post here - listing specific times during each month when you’ll have the ability to ask Captain Bayerle and other key persons involved in the Republic project any question you may have regarding the research, salvage plans, legal status, future shipwreck pursuits, and any other question regarding our business.
Forums / Discussion Boards
- Our OLD Forums – can be found here, BUT
- Our NEW Forums – make available several forums, or message/discussion boards, where you can post questions or information and read answers regarding various topics concerning our Republic salvage project including our research, the Republic’s passengers and other personalities involved in this tragedy of the sea, and other treasure shipwrecks.
If you’d like to start another forum, contact our webmaster,
Our new forums require registration, to reduce inappropriate posts - and to provide a more enjoyable experience for all.